DTF Director, Stacey, had a fantastic morning out today, visiting The Glass Box, Huddersfield. The event, run by Kirklees Council was setup in order to help local, new business start ups, or those under 3 years old.

Stacey was invited by Kirklees’ Business Start Up Gateway Manager to present an “Introduction to Social Media for Business”.

Everyone in the room had different levels of Social Media expertise. We started right at the beginning, from brand guidelines to establishing stakeholders and deciding the appropriate social media routes to market.

We then moved onto topics such as campaign planning, campaign goals and how to engage potential stakeholders with relevant content. We explained about the importance of links back to products or services, making that all important conversion. The talk was very interactive with questions answered throughout. This helped it become a very useful session for the businesses attending and it was fantastic to interact and listen to everyone’s questions. Attendees were soon sharing tips and tricks between them. It was so nice to see local businesses helping and supporting each other.

The Glass Box Networking – What attendees thought

We’ve since had some lovely feedback from attendees who have praised Stacey for her inspiration.

What set out to be a 30 minute presentation, soon over-run. Unfortunately car parking waits for no-one and some attendees had to dash!

For those remaining, it only felt appropriate to participate in a selfie for social media! and here it is!

Thank you to everyone who attended and for the wonderful feedback, it has made Stacey’s day! Remember if you have any further questions pop her an email on [email protected]

Social Media – Do you need help?

We can help with all aspects of social media, whether you need a little steer on content, a run through the basics or full blown Social Media Management!

Contact us on 01484 506220 or email [email protected]

DTF Digital