We’ve spotted a bug on version 2.4.5 that means the category filters don’t work. We noticed this whilst testing a website during a Magento 2 patch update. This Edge Case scenario is easy to overlook, so check your eCommerce website, if you have recently updated to the latest version of Magento.

Category Filters not working on Magento 2.4.5

The Magento 2 error basically returns the full category of products, when filters are applied from the filtered navigation menu on the left hand layered navigation selectors. All attributes set are essentially ignored. Along with this, the product filter count is also incorrect, and displays the total number of products in the category, rather than the filtered amount.

Magento Bug Fix

After a bit of research, one of the Community users had already developed a bug fix for this error. We have tested these and it has fixed the issue on our Magento 2 website.

These files are available to download and install here:

Need Help with this Bug?

Are you experiencing this bug on your website? Don’t know how to fix it? If you need help resolving this issue, please get in touch with us. You can email us on [email protected], call us on 01484 506220 or contact us through one of our social channels.

DTF Digital