I have tried contacting several companies this morning to discuss opportunities, these companies at present do not seem to have a website, or one that I can find. So how does this have a negative impact on their business?

We live in a world where it is vital that we use all the technologies available, in some instances the occasion calls for a letter to be written, in others the telephone needs to be picked up and a conversation carried out. However what happens when a) I have no feedback from my letter b) the telephone is not answered. How do I find out more about the business in question?

In most cases today, many will tap into google exactely what they are looking for, and behold, hundreds of results before their very eyes, usually without moving from their seat. A tap on the screen here and there and before you know it a business enquiry has been made.

So based on my findings today, the phonecalls I made were very unsucessful. The company does not have a website, therefore I cannot find out more about their services or find any other contact details such as email, facebook, twitter etc to discuss the opportunity. This has now resulted in a lost/missed potential transaction.

Do you have a website? How many lost transactions/communications are you missing out on?

Design that fits are offering content managed websites from as little as £500, this even includes 1 years free hosting, 1 domain and a free £50 google adwords voucher! So what are you waiting for? Get in touch

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01484 506220


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