
In light of the recent announcements from our Prime Minister, we have put together a few COVID-19 business tips for those operating during the Coronavirus pandemic.

It’s been a very strange week for all of us across the UK. The threat from COVID-19 has seen supermarket shelves, offices and streets bare.

Whilst trying to remain very British, with the familiar motto “keep calm and carry on” springing to mind, we have to be very careful during these difficult times.

Keeping your customers updated

  • If you are operating under new opening times then update them. It’s also important to provide contact details if they have changed. This may be because the business premises have closed, or staff are remotely working.
  • Tell people if you have implemented new procedures within your business. The public want to stay safe. Reassurance that you are regularly cleaning down etc is a positive step.
  • Inform them of any potential delays. Businesses across the globe have been affected by the Coronavirus. Understandably this has led to delays with shipments from overseas. This may have held up your production. Staff shortages locally may also cause disruption.

Where should I implement this?

  • Facebook – Post an updates to people who like your page
  • Twitter – Tweet updates to your followers
  • Instagram – Post an insta showing the new changes
  • LinkedIn – update your company profile.
  • Website – Update your opening hours and contact page. Post a news/blog article. Perhaps upload a new COVID-19 info homepage banner.
  • Google – If you have a google listing, log in and update your My Business Info. This post from Google may help –
  • Email – Send out updates to your customers via email. Personally if it involves them directly. Or via an email campaign if it affects all customers.
  • Any other public facing platforms you have a presence on.

On that note… we are currently operating from our home office and our contact details remain the same. If we can help with any of the above suggestions, please get in touch. We hope you have found these COVID-19 business tips useful and that you stay safe during this pandemic.

DTF Digital